Do you know about the SDGs?

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are universal goals that were established by the United Nations Summit to be achieved by 2030. Following the principal of ​​leaving no one behind, there are 17 goals that include climate action, quality education, good health and well-being, industry/innovation/infrastructure, gender inequality and no poverty with 169 targets to achieve the goals. Involvement towards achieving these goals are not only for developing countries but all countries.

Japan is also promoting SDGs. As one of its efforts, cities and regions that are endeavoring to promote fundamental and comprehensive efforts in line with the SDGs’ philosophy, especially toward the aspects of economy, society, and environment with high potential to realize sustainable development through the creation of new forms of value in Japan, are selected as SDGs Future Cities by the national government.

In May 2021, Ichinoseki was selected by the Cabinet Office as an SDGs Future City as a local government that makes outstanding efforts and proposals for achieving the SDGs.

The proposal by Ichinoseki are as follows.


Ichinoseki, a future-oriented city admired by the world

-Sustainable community development by creating new value-

* Looking ahead to 2040 and 2050, the city held interactive workshops to reflect the opinions of junior high school students, who will play a leading role in future city development. The opinions expressed from those workshops are what Ichinoseki aims to achieve by 2030.

Diverse human resources inside and outside the region interact and collaborate to solve regional issues. We aim to be a sustainable city looking to 2030 in which the region’s agricultural and livestock products, human resources and energy resources such as woody biomass circulate while increasing in value.

Ichinoseki has the International Linear Collider (ILC) as the foundation of community development, and has been working on future-oriented community development. There is high anticipation for the realization of the ILC among Ichinoseki citizens. Since the ILC pervades the public and symbolizes the city’s urban development, the city adopted the “ILC” as the keyword that connects the present and future. Under the slogan “Ichinoseki Loves Challenges” (ILC), we will take on the challenges of community development looking to 2040 and 2050, as well as achieving what Ichinoseki aims to be in 2030.

Priority goal targets

Economic efforts

・ Securing and nurturing successors to agriculture, which is the core industry of the city

・Strengthening collaboration between industry-academia-government-finance to revitalize the region by its manufacturing industry

Social efforts

・ Collaboration of various stakeholders

・ Local settlement of young people by attracting companies and achieving work-life balance

Environmental efforts

・ Promotion of efforts toward net zero carbon dioxide emissions

・ Regional energy circulation such as by utilizing unused lumber,


Efforts to contribute to local government SDGs

(1) A city in which diverse human resources flourish I L Collaboration

・ Creating a system for diverse human resources to participate in community development

・ Promotion of youth settlement

(2) A sustainable city that circulates local resources I L Circular economies

・ Local products to be locally grown and consumed, as well as for foreign trade

・ Realization of a carbon-free society, circulatory society

(3) A city that looks beyond 2030 I L Committing

・ Reflecting opinions of young people in city administration and creating a system for solving regional issues

・ Declaration of net zero carbon dioxide emissions in 2050 and efforts to achieve it.




 SDGs(Sustainable Development Goals)は、2015年に開催された国連サミットで採択された2030年までに達成を目指す世界共通の目標です。「誰一人取り残さない」という理念を掲げ、貧困、教育、気候変動、医療、産業やジェンダーなど様々な問題解決のための17の目標と、目標を達成するための具体的な内容の169のターゲットがあります。



  未来を見つめ、世界が憧れるまち いちのせき


一関市ではこれまでILCをまちづくりの基軸に位置づけ、未来を見据えたまちづくりに取り組んでおり、ILC実現への市民の期待感も高くなっています。「ILC」というワードは、広く市民に浸透し、本市のまちづくりを象徴するものであることから、この「ILC」を現在と未来をつなぐキーワードと捉え、「Ichinoseki Loves Challenges」を合言葉に、2030年のあるべき姿の実現とともに、2040年、2050年の未来も見据えたまちづくりに挑戦していきます。

 ①多様な人材が活躍するまち ~ILCollaboration 共創する~
  ・若者定住の推進 など
 ②地域資源が好循環する持続可能なまち ~ILCircular economies 経済の好循環へ~
  ・脱炭素社会・循環型社会の実現 など
 ③2030年のその先の未来も見つめるまち ~ILCommitting 未来への約束~
  ・2050年二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロ宣言とその達成に向けた取組 など