The Kitakami Times
- Ofunato Onsen: A Perfect Weekend Getaway
- Shohei Ohtani: Hometown Hero, MVP, World Series Champion
- Fall in Morioka
- The Link Between Iwate Town and Ireland
- Walking courses around Ichinoseki
- Enjoy the subtle complexity of Iwate Sake
- A rare festival that brings an ancient story back to life.
- Iwate Sake Party 2024 in Morioka
- Introducing Oshutaro!
- The Charm of the JR Kitakami Line and Nishiwaga Town
- Morioka Sansa Odori Festival 2024 – Experiencing the largest taiko drum festival in Japan
- 【Kitakami Times Extra】Hirosaki Castle: The Only “Tenshu”Castle Tower Still Standing in the Tohoku Region.
- Organic Restaurant
- Hitaka-Hibuse Festival: Like a Great, Unfurling Scroll
- Spring in Japan Isn’t Just Cherry Blossoms!
- Introducing the Sanriku Active
- Broadening our network of exchange through sports tourism
- The Michinoku Coastal Trail - One of Japan's most well-known long trails
- From field to table, how rice is made
- 【The Town of Camellia Ofunato】
- Thinking of hot springs this winter
- The center of Japan is actually in…Tohoku?
- 5 Areas, 5 Libraries
- The Sanriku Camellia Story
- The wondrous world of 'wagashi'
- Travel back in time to the Heian period of Japan!
- Part 2: From Oshu to Reutte/Breitenwang
- An Iwate First!!! ~Iwate Sake Party 2023 in Morioka~
- Part 1: From Reutte/Breitenwang, Austria to Oshu, Japan
- The First Offshore Wind Farm in Japan
- Scallop Aquaculture in Ofunato (Interview)
- 25/26th Ichinoseki’s National Craft Beer Festival 2023
- Information on events that bring color to Iwate
- The Event of the Summer – Shizukuishi's Yoshare Festival!
- The Origin of Wakame Cultivation
- Places for young children to enjoy in Ichinoseki
- Outdoor Markets and Riverside Restaurants in Morioka
- Morioka, chosen by the world
- The Sakura of Oshu
- International Port City, Ofunato
- Kanayama Tanada of Ichinoseki
- COVID in 2023:How’s Oshu Doing?
- A Stroll Through Morioka City
- Taking a Breather with a Nature Walk in Ofunato
- About the Southern Iwate Exchange Plaza
- Let’s Eat Kuzumaki Hotpot!
- Professional Sanma Grilling License Exam – Training, Examination, and Eating
- Renewable Energy and Science & Technology Projects
- Over 400 Years of History and Tradition
- Showing off Morioka through a popular novel
- The Hot-Air Balloon Festival of Ichinoseki and Hiraizumi
- Iwate Tips – Part 2
- Iwate Tips – Part 1
- Wishing for the ILC at Morioka's Tenmangu Shrine
- The Iwate Hometown Connection Bus Helper Project
- It’s Shotime! Hometown Pride for Ohtani
- A day at the market
- English Menus One Store at a Time: Another World Bar ~Keiji~
- Visiting the Disaster Memorial Facilities
- Oshu’s Kirameki Marathon
- Wanko Soba – All You Can Eat Soba?!
- Sansa Odori 2022
- The four seasons at Genbikei Gorge
- Summer and Winter – The Season for Scallops
- Sominsai~An Ancient Winter Rite~
- A bizarre festival in the midst of winter
- Kyassen Ofunato
- Sake throughout the seasons
- Christmas in Morioka
- Let‘s spread western vegetables in Iwate!
- CAMOCY ~Rikuzentakata’s Fermentation Facility~
- Getting ready for winter, dried foods
- A new symbol for Ofunato
- Taking a Rest at a Roadside Station
- Creating the Tohoku House, ten years after the disaster
- Welcome to Ofunato!
- A Strong Love for Noodles in Iwate Prefecture
- How to enjoy an Iwate summer
- A new trend in Japan’s overworked society?
- Hiraizumi
- Learn about the apples of Japan easily online
- Taking the time to make tableware just right for me
- Mokusa Swords
- 10 years since 3.11
- The snowball tournament of Iwate’s snowiest town
- Weathering the winter into spring in Morioka City
- Welcoming the Year of the Cow
- Some lesser known winter activities in Iwate!
- 2020: A year of working for the ILC
- Medical Interpreter Volunteers
- A new trend for Japan? Population movement from Tokyo to other regions
- Beat the Winter Blues with Iwate Soul Food
- Experiencing a Japanese Traditional Performance Art: Nihon Buyo
- Three Things to Look Forward To In The Cold Iwate Mountains!
- Museum of Stones and Kenji, and ‘Strong in the Rain’
- Miyazawa Kenji and his connection to Ichinoseki (Pt. 1)
- All about Amabie
- Experience BMX in Ofunato!
- Cooking with Western vegetables!
- Making Ichinoseki a huge producer of Western vegetables!
- Summer in Morioka and Sansa Odori
- When You Wish Upon A Star~
- Making vacations more comfortable for our foreign travelers
- A Well-Kept Secret: Isawa Dam Canoeing
- Some simple paper crafts I learned while in Japan
- Welcome to Sumita
- Ichinoseki, the land of mochi
- Covid-19 and Public Health in Iwate
- Cherry Blossoms, the Snow Corridor, and Hachimantai’s Dragon Eye
- Using what we’re learning now at the ILC in the future
- Oshu – A city reaching out to the world with science
- A vegetable project to welcome the ILC
- Surrounded by camellia flowers!
- The Cherry Blossoms of Morioka
- The Sendai Excursions of LCWS 2019
- Spending New Years at the ILC candidate site
- The "Yakudoshi" Culture of Oshu City
- A full-body experience at the Open Factory Five-Senses Market
- The Right Info in the Right Way
- Life by the ILC candidate site
- Discover how great the ILC is at the Iwate ILC Open Lab!
- Come one, come all – Future Researchers and Engineers of the ILC!
- Ten Ways to Make Travelers Happy
- Omiyage – a spotlight on local souvenirs
- LCWS 2019 – Enjoy your downtime in Sendai!
- OFUNATO: the perfect oceanside getaway
- International Linear (Office) Chairs
- In Morioka, the sound of flutes let you know autumn is coming
- Tour Kamaishi City by bicycle
- The Pokémon With You Train in Iwate!
- Ichinoseki National Craft Beer Festival 2019
- The Sansa Odori Drum Festival
- The Michinoku Coastal Trail opens to the public!
- More to Mt. Murone!
- Vegetarians, Vegans, and Iwate
- Preparing for the ILC - Food and Tourism
- Pets in Iwate
- How to enjoy hot springs in Japan
- Some of the best places to visit in Iwate!
- Peace of mind when calling 119
- Just how formal is Japanese culture?
- New Year’s in Japan!
- The Oni Museum of Kitakami
- ILC Relay ⑮
- Ways to enjoy the water at Sukawa Onsen
- Kurikoma, hiking with the seasons
- Clothing tips for an Iwate winter
- ILC Relay ⑭
- ILC Relay ⑬
- Cycling in Iwate
- Birdwatching in Japan
- Housing in Japan
- ILC Summer Festival at Science Day 2018
- Let’s Climb Mount Iwate!
- Soba noodles - classic Japanese comfort food
- Ichinoseki and jazz
- Communicating science and the ILC to the local youth
- The ILC Relay ⑪
- Content creator U Kimura brings a “kawaii” perspective as an ILC Supporter
- How do people stay fit in Japan?
- The ILC Relay ⑩
- Let’s GO to Miyako!
- Cool yourself off with some somen noodles this summer
- Well-respected Japanese economic and cultural figures come together to form the 100-person Committee for the ILC
- Iwate Hanamaki Airport
- What about learning Japanese?
- The ILC Relay ⑨
- The ILC Relay ⑧
- Yu Suzuki, designer of Shenmue, throws his support behind the ILC Project
- The ILC Poster Contest – Dreaming up a future for Iwate
- World famous director Mamoru Oshii founds the ILC Supporters!
- ILD Meeting 2018 in Ichinoseki
- Students at ILC Promotion Model Schools hope for the ILC
- The ILC Relay ⑦
- Local Tourism Guide for ILD 2018 Meeting
- The ILC Relay ⑥
- We Meet Again, Strasbourg
- The ILC Relay ⑤
- Promoting the ILC in Yokohama
- Breathtaking views at the Michinoku Coastal Trail
- A Green ILC
- The ILC Relay ④
- The ILC Relay ③
- Spotlight on Ofunato (#34)
- The ILC Relay ②
- “The ILC is not a gamble” (#33)
- The ILC Relay ①
- A talk with Professor Satoru Yamashita (#32)
- Flying the ILC flag at an elementary school near the candidate site (#31)
- Drawing a future with the ILC (#30)
- Practice for the ILC Tunnel? (#29)
- Learning about the importance of experiments at junior high schools in Ichinoseki (#28)
- Iwate visits CERN, CEA Saclay, and DESY (#27)
- LCWS 2016 Retrospective (#26)
- The father of modern science in Japan, and the future with the ILC
- Bon Voyage, Sobacchi!
- LCWS 2016: Exploring Southern Iwate
- A look at Oshu City
- How do you like *them* apples?
- “Understanding the ILC in 1 Minute”
- ILC summer camp at an Ichinoseki hot spring resort
- Talking about 2016’s LCWS with Prof. Shinya Narita of Iwate University
- Kesennuma: Unusual Treats, Sake, Biking, and Sea Frolicking
- A wonderful summer full of “natsu-matsuri”
- 1st Anniversary of THE KITAKAMI TIMES (#23)
- A celebration of science in Tohoku (#22)
- The Iwate Industry Promotion Center(#21)
- Special feature on Morioka for LCWS 2016 (#20)
- ILC Symposium, “The Realization of the ILC and Development of the Surrounding Region” (#19)
- Introducing the Iwate Industrial Research Institute (#18)
- Ingress in Ichinoseki and learning about the ILC (#17)
- The "Oshu ILC City Development Vision" (#16)
- The ILC Caravan - Neighborhood associations in Japan (#15)
- Dr. Klaus Sinram comes back to the Kitakami site (#14)
- Talking to Elementary Schoolers About the ILC (#13)
- A new friend in the US Consulate in Sapporo (#12)
- Exhibiting the ILC in Ichinoseki (#11)
- “Cookies, Star Wars, and Governors (From Order of Least to Most Importance*)”(#10)
- The Reconstruction and the ILC (#9)
- Getting involved with accelerator-related industry in Iwate (#8)
- Garbage Posters Today, International Mecca Tomorrow※(#7)
- Ichinoseki's ILC News (#6)
- A winter wonderland in Iwate (#5)
- The ILC and the people of Iwate
- Learning more about the world around us
- A Day at the ASUPIA International Festival
- Dr. Atsuto Suzuki wins the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- AAA Symposium 2015 in Tohoku: “What the International Linear Collider Can Do”
- Physics, by another name
- Dr. Klaus Sinram of DESY visits Ichinoseki
- Economic leaders of Iwate for the ILC
- "Sakkora choiwayasse!"
- 2015 - Summer of the ILC in Ichinoseki City
- The Story of Chida Precision Products
- Meeting with the Governor of Iwate
- Ichinoseki’s Science Cafés
- Mission: ILC BELLS
- Reaching out to the community
- The Iwate Prefecture ILC Promotion Council to give an online seminar on September 24th about the latest developments of the project
- KEK’s retracts application to MEXT’s Roadmap; will undergo a trajectory correction
- Director Ueno of the Iwate Prefectural Government gives a talk to Hanamaki Agricultural High School students about their future and the ILC
- The Tohoku ILC Project Development Center is formed – 22 local governments and universities of Iwate and Miyagi
- ILC International Development Team goes live, based at KEK
- KEK estimates the construction of the ILC to start in some five years - an international team starting work in August
- Morioka #1 High School students win special prize at CERN contest for radiation research
- Another two schools added to the list of ILC Promotion Schools in Iwate – training human resources for the future
- MEXT reacts to the 2020 Update to the European Strategy for Particle Physics – intending to continue talks with US and Europe
- With the next European particle physics strategy, Europe looks to collaborate with Japan and the ILC
- MEXT Minister: “I’d like to continue to work hard” towards realization of ILC
- “MEXT will discuss the ILC with US and EU while having an interest in the project” – MEXT gives its position on the ILC at an ICFA meeting
- At the Morioka broadcast of the 2/8 ILC symposium, young people show growing enthusiasm for the project
- At an ILC symposium by Nobel Laureates in Tokyo, Dr. Higgs calls for the quick realization of the ILC
- MEXT Minister about the recently-released SCJ Master Plan: “We will pay close attention to the European strategy”
- At the Japan National Press Club, Iwate Governor Tasso talks about his expectations for the govt’s financial deliberations
- ILC listed in SCJ’s Master Plan, but not on the high-priority list - Deliberations on the ILC move to MEXT
- A seminar on the ILC held for residents of Oshu with explanations by researchers about how they’ll protect the environment
- 2020 to be an important year for the ILC effort
- Famous director Oshii Mamoru talks about his high hopes in the ILC at a panel event
- An ILC Symposium to be held in Tokyo in February 2020 with Nobel Prize Laureates
- A new liaison council instated to boost ILC cooperation – A new report from Prof. Yamashita
- Michinoku Associates Group donates to the Iwate ILC Promotion Council
- ICFA Chair visits the ILC candidate site in Ichinoseki
- An interview with ICFA Chief Geoffrey Taylor – reaffirming the necessity of the ILC
- Sendai Statement adopted at the close of LCWS 2019
- Linear Collider Workshop held in Sendai, accelerating towards the realization of the ILC
- A resolution to be adopted on October 30th at the Sendai LCWS to convey the importance of building the ILC in Japan
- Famous figures from various fields gather together in Tokyo for an ILC Supporters Kick-Off Event
- Governor of Iwate expects that central government deliberations will proceed forward with the ILC cost-sharing proposal
- Professor Satoru Yamashita of ICEPP gives a talk on the importance of advanced science at Ichinoseki’s National Institute of Technology
- KEK releases its proposals for ILC implementation, including international cost-sharing
- KEK publishes the International Working Group's Recommendations for International Linear Collider
- Minister of MEXT: “Do a lot of research in Japan” after figuring out how to share the costs of the ILC
- An ILC Lecturer talks about the significance of the ILC to the people of Ichinoseki
- MEXT requests 480 million yen for FY 2020’s ILC-related budget – a 50 million yen increase from 2019
- Prof. Satoru Yamashita talks about the latest developments and benefits of the ILC in Ofunato
- The ILC Promotion Headquarters of Iwate Prefecture begins operations
- A seminar held at the Oshu City ILC Liaison Council – moving step by step towards the ILC
- Iwate Prefectural Government releases its vision for regional development around the ILC
- Ichinoseki releases a concept for an informational facility for the ILC in Ichinoseki using two empty buildings
- In Hanamaki, an ILC seminar for local residents led by the Director of Iwate’s ILC Promotion Bureau
- Developing the city with the ILC – the Oshu Chamber of Commerce gives their first proposal to the city government
- A citizens rally for the ILC held in Morioka – increasing understanding of the ILC and its effects
- Japan, France, and Germany agree to start discussion groups – IPU President Atsuto Suzuki reports back on recent ILC news
- Eight organizations from southern Iwate and northern Miyagi cross prefectural borders to form a liaison council for the ILC
- The Ichinoseki Mayor makes suggestion to FDMILC Chief about using the old NEC location for ILC purposes
- Students at Ichinoseki Higashi Middle School gain a deeper interest in particle physics – A physicist from KEK comes for a talk
- The Iwate Future-Design Organization holds a discussion about the ILC in Morioka
- At their annual meeting, the Tohoku ILC Promotion Council adopts a resolution calling for the national government to make a decision on the ILC
- The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council meets with the national government to urge them to make a speedy decision on the ILC
- The Iwate Prefecture ILC Promotion Council pledges to strengthen their efforts to petition the national government for the ILC
- Petitioning the national government’s support for the reconstruction and the ILC – The Governor and mayors of Iwate visit Tokyo
- Contest for the ILC! Winners to be sent on a trip to CERN
- A seminar held in Morioka about policies to reduce the costs of ILC construction
- Nine organizations from southern Iwate and northern Miyagi go to the LDP to petition for the ILC
- The Office of ILC Promotion of Iwate Prefecture to be upgraded from Office to Bureau, doubling its work force and strengthening preparations going forward
- Two more high schools designated as ILC Promotion Model Schools – a total of eight in Iwate
- A rally for the ILC is held in Daito, Ichinoseki to show off the local spirit and push forward the ILC
- The LCC states they will use October’s LCWS to urge the government towards a decision
- The next Linear Collider Workshop to be held in Sendai this autumn - to communicate the scientific importance of the ILC
- Commerce organizations on the southern coast of Iwate form the Kesen Regional ILC Promotion Council to raise interest in the ILC
- 31 organizations join together to form the Ofunato ILC Promotion Council for boosting ILC enthusiasm
- Politicians from Iwate and Miyagi’s prefectural assemblies make a petition to the LDP and FDMILC to realize the ILC
- Scientists from Mizusawa, Iwate talk about their team’s contribution to the first picture of a black hole
- KEK to create a working group for Japan-USA-Europe to debate how to divvy up ILC costs
- Two Ichinoseki high school students submit signatures for the ILC
- The Morioka Regional Development Bureau appoints two people as ILC Lecturers
- A new banner for the ILC is unveiled at the Iwate Prefectural Office
- “Please realize the ILC in Iwate” Famous manga artist Kenshi Hirokane gives a talk in Morioka
- ILC seminar to be held with a famous manga artist on March 27th in Morioka to generate enthusiasm in the project
- A seminar at Ichinoseki and Oshu on the ILC and the safety precautions that will be put in place
- At a press conference, the governor of Iwate and others welcome the show of interest from the national government
- Reactions in Iwate to the government’s position on the ILC – happiness and confusion
- Minister of MEXT expects for deliberations on the ILC to continue; Chief Cabinet Secretary says academic process is necessary
- The Japanese government expresses interest in ILC
- All eyes are on the national government, as it plans to makes its position clear on the ILC at the ICFA meeting in Tokyo on March 7th
- The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council makes a last-minute visit MEXT to urge a positive decision on the ILC
- At a meeting of the FDMILC, MEXT official states they will make their position clear on March 7th
- Meeting of ILC Promotion Model Schools in Morioka (c/o Ichinoseki City)
- Using renewable energy at the ILC – a seminar in Morioka
- Council members from 11 city councils visit the FDMILC and MEXT in Tokyo to petition for the ILC
- Alliance of LDP politicians from Tohoku and Hokkaido travel to the national government to urge them to make a decision on the ILC
- Professor emeritus Masakazu Yoshioka of KEK talks about the stable bedrock on the Kitakami site, perfect for the ILC
- IPU President Atsuto Suzuki has high hopes in the government’s decision
- The Iwate ILC Promotion Council holds a seminar with only one month left until the national government makes a decision
- At MEXT's periodic press conference, Minister Shibayama says they are in close contact with other related government ministries
- Special class on the ILC at Higashiyama Middle School in Ichinoseki
- A forum of industry and academia professionals calls for the ILC in Tokyo
- MEXT continues to debate on the ILC
- Morioka Chamber of Commerce Chair Yamura calls on Chambers of Commerce throughout Japan to support the ILC
- Prof. Hitoshi Yamamoto of Tohoku University gives his thoughts on the FCC project at CERN
- “I am certain we can move forward” Prof. Satoru Yamashita talks about his predictions for the national government’s decision at a seminar in Ichinoseki
- Iwate Nippo’s Survey on local interest in the ILC – 62% of respondents interested in the project, and 32% hope for a jobs increase
- 270 million yen allotted for ILC-related items in national budget for FY2019
- The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council visits with the national government to urge them to build the ILC
- Minister of MEXT says they will pay close attention to international trends - the national government to make a decision on the ILC in 2019
- Following the SCJ report, Diet members to strengthen their calls on the national government to host the ILC
- Researchers remain optimistic following the SCJ’s report – final decision rests with national government
- SCJ submits their report to MEXT – “We are not currently at a point where we can support the ILC”
- Science Council not to support construction of International Linear Collider in Japan (Mainichi)
- SCJ to hold its Board of Directors meeting on December 19th – possible last stage for the ILC?
- Hon. Tetsuo Saito of the Komeito Party talks about the ILC in Iwate – “This will lead to new industries”
- The national government given leeway now that the deadline has been pushed to next year – will this urge them to make a decision?
- The final deadline for a decision is March 7th – Scientists urge the national government to voice their intent at an FDMILC assembly
- Prof. Saito teaches Iwate students about science from an international perspective
- Eight mayors from Iwate and Miyagi submit a document to the SCJ’s ILC Committee to show that they stand in lockstep regarding the ILC
- The Oshu City ILC Promotion and Liaison Council reach their goal of 60,000 ILC Supporters
- Scientists urge a change in heart on the ILC Committee’s wary opinion of the ILC – stressing the importance of the project
- Scientists and economic organizations ask for the ILC Committee to focus more on the effects of new technology
- The Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee will continue its debate on the ILC
- After the 11/14 SCJ committee meeting, MEXT says they will wait for a formal answer before starting towards the next step
- Members call for several corrections in the draft produced by Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee
- Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee’s draft calls out the challenge of cost-sharing but also recognizes significance of the ILC
- The Federation of Diet Members for the ILC to strengthen its call on the national government to make their decision within the year
- Governor Tasso and prefectural assemblymen meet with Ministry officials and Diet members to urge them to make their position clear on international sharing of costs
- The Michinoku Associates Group donates 100,000 yen (~$1,000) to the Iwate ILC Promotion Council during this very important time for the ILC
- ILC-themed postcards for New Year’s now on sale
- At the governors’ meeting in Hokkaido, the 8 northern prefectures agree to push forth the ILC
- First-year students at Ichinoseki #2 High School debate how to build up their city for a future with the ILC
- Hon. Kaufmann of the German parliament visits the Kitakami site for the ILC, confirming his cooperation towards making the project a reality
- “The German government will favorably support the ILC” – Hon. Kaufmann of German parliament meets with Japanese Diet members
- Yuki Abe wins the first-ever prize for the Ichinoseki National Institute of Technology from the Particle Accelerator Society of Japan
- Done with their hearings of experts, the ILC committee moves to creating their report
- U.S. Under-secretary for Science shows a cooperative attitude towards the ILC at a dialogue with Diet members – “I hope for the project to move forward”
- Iwate Governor Takuya Tasso to visit Switzerland and France from October 16th
- The Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee meets again in Tokyo – opinions about how to deal with water drainage from the underground tunnel
- Science Council of Japan ILC Committee – Chair Iye hopes to end their discussions within the year
- Imagining an international place where you can do research – Morioka #1 HS students meet with researchers from Serbia
- At a seminar in Ichinoseki, representatives from the Tohoku ILC Planning Office answer questions and ease anxieties held by local residents
- An ILC Liaison Council is formed by the FDMILC and LDP to strengthen efforts to encourage the national government to decide on the ILC
- Securing an ILC budget was pointed out as a source of contention at the Science Council’s 5th committee meeting
- A seminar on the ILC at Miyako Commercial High School
- A special exhibit on the ILC at the VACUUM 2018 expo in Yokohama – talking about the importance of the ILC in the greater Tokyo area
- The Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee’s 4th meeting: sorting out what points to debate
- ILC PR at a local beer festival
- Science Council of Japan ILC Committee hears from researchers about the scientific significance of the ILC project – but members call for more societal awareness
- MEXT requests a budget of 260 million yen for accelerator science in fiscal year 2019 – same number as FY 2018
- The working group within the Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee points out tech/safety issues – also evaluates the economic benefits of the ILC
- Science Council of Japan’s ILC Committee debates on creating an organizational structure and dividing the costs internationally
- Deliberations by the Science Council of Japan ILC Committee to be done by autumn? The FDMILC to step up its efforts
- Criticism about ILC costs at the first meeting of the Science Council of Japan’s ILC committee – researchers stress the importance of the project
- LDP Secretary-general Hon. Toshihiro Nikai says, “We hope to work hard as a political party (for the ILC)”
- “A refusal of the ILC would be the same mistake the US made” - An interview with Sheldon Glashow – Iwate Nippo
- An interview with Barry Barish – Iwate Nippo
- Nobel laureates putting their faith in Japan to realize the ILC at the 8/5 Tokyo symposium
- The Iwate ILC Promotion Council estimates economic benefits of the ILC to be 5.7190 trillion yen
- Added to downloads: Messages from Nobel Laureates in Physics for the ILC
- City councils of seven cities (including Oshu) to join together to petition the FDMILC and MEXT
- Approaching a final decision – the Science Council of Japan forms a committee to deliberate on the ILC
- Seminar held for workers in the ready-mixed concrete field in hopes of getting involved with ILC construction
- The Morioka Regional Development Bureau begins training people to give seminars on the ILC
- The FDMILC to start a liaison council for discussions on the ILC along with the LDP – strengthening the pressure on the national government
- Tohoku ILC Planning Office Director/IPU President Atsuto Suzuki gives a seminar in Ofunato on the ILC
- Oshu aims to get 60,000 of its population to sign up for the #ILC Supporters
- Tokyo U’s Prof. Satoru Yamashita recommends private investment to reduce ILC construction costs
- City council chairs of nine cities/towns of Iwate and Miyagi form resolution to petition the national government for the ILC
- President Suzuki of Iwate Pref. University gives a speech about the future of the region with the ILC
- Iwate Prefecture selects 8 schools as ILC Promotion Model Schools
- 100-person Committee for the ILC kicks off at an event in Tokyo – people from economic/cultural fields to push forth the ILC project
- MEXT Panel of Experts Final Discussion - Emphasizing the ILC’s Scientific Importance
- FDMILC Sec-gen Ryu Shionoya states they are aiming to get a separate budget for the ILC
- Lyn Evans, director of the Linear Collider Collaboration, urges the Japanese government to make their intentions clear on the ILC
- Boosting national effort for the ILC, three experts also lecture the necessity of exchanging information
- “100-person Committee for the ILC” to be formed on June 29th, with members coming from various backgrounds
- Panel of Experts discusses how to work with other countries
- Two American Nobel Prize winners to attend a symposium in Tokyo on August 5th to help spread understanding of the ILC
- The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council petitions the Liberal Democratic Party (Japan’s ruling party) for the ILC
- Iwate and Miyagi prefectural assemblies confirm a unified front for the quick realization of the ILC
- 16,047 general participants, supporters report on activities
- Governor urges Japanese government’s decision: rejection of ILC 'unthinkable' (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- ILC for the Future of the World (French-Japan Research Centre Director Visits Iwate) c/o Oshu City ILC Promotion Division
- Working Group at MEXT Panel of Experts puts together their report of the significance of the ILC: “The ILC will be suited to precision measurement of the Higgs boson”
- Raising awareness of the ILC among the people of Japan is the remaining challenge
- Deliberations begin on how to prepare Iwate’s healthcare and education fields for foreign researchers and their families
- Building Momentum in Younger Generations (c/o Ichinoseki City)
- The Oshu Space & Astronomy Museum marks ten years as a hub for science education
- The Open Labo (with cryomodule) opens in Morioka – raising excitement for the ILC!
- The Tohoku ILC Planning Office Master Plan released, clearly states that the ILC main campus will be in “either Ichinoseki or Oshu”
- Advanced science research is at a crossroads in Japan: with the national budget at a plateau, neutrino science is being prioritized
- Panel of Experts working group looks into regulations and risks of the ILC
- Students at Okutama Elementary School study in preparation for the ILC
- Oshu City middle school students present on science study field trip in Tsukuba (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- Cuisine, Interpretation, Children's Pictures: Tanko area also supporting ILD meeting (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- Preparation for ILC Making Progress: Iwate Pref. University President Suzuki Presents at ILD Meeting (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- 63 Iwate/Miyagi companies gather for an exhibition in Ichinoseki
- Support for Int’l Meeting by Ichinoseki City Tourism Association: Registration and Local Information
- Getting the ILC into European Plan: Deadline for Inclusion is December 18 (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- A Future Internationalized Ichinoseki: Children’s English Play
- An interview with Ties Behnke, leader of the ILD team which had its conference in Ichinoseki – “It was important to hold it at the candidate site for the ILC”
- ILD meeting held in Ichinoseki – discussing technical issues going forward
- Ichinoseki hosts a 3-day international conference on detectors for particle colliders
- The Panel of Experts continues to verify the changed ILC plans
- At the ILC Technology Seminar, local companies look for ways to get involved
- Officials from Iwate government/industry/academia visit the national government to petition for the ILC
- After the changes to the ILC plans, the Panel of Experts to re-verify costs
- Rikuzentakata’s commercial/tourism organizations to create a new organization for the ILC to boost its local profile
- Vice-president Aihara of University of Tokyo calls for the national government to make a quick decision (on the ILC)
- National/local government officials, industry representatives, politicians, and researchers to go to Europe in May for more wide-ranging talks
- IPU President Atsuto Suzuki to visit Europe in March to push forward government negotiations
- MEXT’s Panel of Experts meets to discuss the newly shortened ILC
- “France and Germany are open to cooperation on the ILC” Prof. Suzuki of IPU on future talks with Europe
- Hanamaki Agricultural High School shows off their own products and the ILC in Tokyo
- Iwate Chambers of Commerce talk with the Governor to talk about the ILC and other regional issues
- Prefectural assemblymen petition the Iwate governor for ILC preparations and information
- Ofunato’s new ILC office to work on port usage plans
- Oshu middle school students learn advanced science at KEK
- Governor Tasso talks with Iwate Nippo about plans for 2018 including the ILC
- Poll of Iwate citizens by Iwate Nippo - 64% interested in the ILC
- Nobel Prize winners also support the ILC – Messages published in a book to be presented to PM Abe next month
- 260 million yen allocated for ILC-related items in national budget for FY2018 – an almost 152 million yen increase from FY2017
- Iwate Prefecture asks foreign residents about challenges living in Japan as part of their establishment of a new comprehensive policy plan
- Tohoku ILC Planning Office Director Atsuto Suzuki hopes for a national government decision in 2018
- A group of Iwate Prefectural Assembly members of the Liberal Democratic Party urge LDP members in national government to decide on the ILC
- A joint group of Iwate & Miyagi Assembly Members for the ILC to formally petition the national government on 12/18
- Kanegasaki Elem. 2nd grader Taira Kikuchi wins top prize in ILC poster contest (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- Staging: MEXT ILC panel of experts reappoints working groups (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- Prof. Satoru Yamashita gives a talk in Sendai about the accelerating pace towards realizing the ILC
- An ILC Promotion Office set up in the Ofunato City Government – First one in the coastal area of Iwate
- Japanese Diet members to visit Europe in January 2018 – French Parliament member Hon. Olivier Becht gives positive support
- Morioka City holds its first advisory board: Discussing the challenges in internationalizing the region
- Future researchers study the workings of the ILC – Tohoku University workshop for HS students
- Minister of MEXT Hayashi gives his opinion on the shortening of the ILC: “We will deliberate seriously”
- Data to come out next month from geological surveys of two places in the Ichinoseki area of the candidate site
- Mayor of Ichinoseki welcomes a smaller start for the ILC to help push forward the project
- A renewed sense of possibility for the ILC in Sendai: Iwate Heritage Association visits the candidate site
- An interview with Prof. Yamamoto of Tohoku University about the growing possibility of ILC realization
- ILC officials welcome news of the shortening of the ILC’s first stage
- Controlling construction costs for the ILC to 500 bn yen, and building momentum
- Showcasing Oshu City as a Place to Live (ILC Website Renewal) (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- ICFA supports 250-GeV International Linear Collider and encourages its realization
- Technomesse 2017 held in Kitakami: ILC resin model and more (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- Morioka company “Eastrise" to place office in Ichinoseki because of ILC (c/o Oshu ILC Promotion Division)
- Special lecture held at Otsuchi High School on the ILC
- The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council shows off Tohoku’s zeal for the ILC in France at LCWS2017
- Iwate Industrial Research Institute holds its annual Open Day – Children witness the power of science through hands-on experiments
- Former Iwate Governor Hiroya Masuda gives a speech in Morioka: “The national government must show their intentions on the ILC by next summer”
- ILC Seminar at Morioka #1 High School – Interest deepens in the mysteries of the universe
- Recent Nobel Prize Winner Barry Barish had visited the Kitakami site in Iwate in 2012 – local officials thrilled at the news
- Hoping to accept and transport larger containers at their port, Ofunato runs a test on public roads – Hope to use for the ILC as well
- A strong presentation by the middle school students who visited CERN
- The deadline for Japan’s decision on the ILC is summer 2018 – Prof. Yamashita speaks at a seminar in Morioka
- An ILC lecture for the students of Tairadate Elementary - Science will open the door to Iwate’s development
- Using existing facilities as much as we can – IPU President Suzuki gives a speech
- Economic organizations formally request Governor of Iwate to strengthen efforts to urge the national government to realize the ILC
- Iwate Prefecture ILC Office Director Jun Sasaki gives a speech to Hanamaki Agricultural High School
- An ILC Exhibition in Yokohama for industry officials
- The FDMILC requests the Minister of MEXT to list an item for ILC investigative costs in the budget
- Four years since Kitakami was selected as the ILC candidate site, negotiations taking place at central gov’t and abroad – Local gov’ts concentrate on steady PR efforts
- Over half of foreign researchers prefer to live within a 30 minute commute of the ILC according to a survey
- MEXT Minister Hayashi gives a speech in Morioka – The budgetary request for FY 2018 is a “big step forward”
- MEXT requests 260 million yen for ILC-related items in the budget
- Developing an industrial framework in Tohoku - KEK’s Honorary Professor Masakazu Yoshioka gives a seminar to SMEs to urge them to get involved with the ILC
- The ICFA confirms its approach to shorten the initial length of the ILC to 20 km – aiming for cost reduction for the first stage – debate accelerates towards a November announcement
- Seinan Middle School students in Hanamaki City learn about the mechanisms of the universe and the ILC
- The 4 students of the ILC Club return home after a satisfying trip to Switzerland
- Impressed by international institutions - A talk with 3 Japanese particle physicists
- We will always dream of knowing more – The ILC Club meets with Dr. Lyn Evans
- Getting closer to the mysteries of the universe, and drawing a future picture of Iwate – the ILC Club visits CERN in Switzerland
- First ILC Seminar for the Federation of Ofunato City Assemblymen for the ILC
- The ILC Club middle school students visit CERN to see research
- Fascination with an international city – the ILC Club middle school students visit the U.N. during their trip to Switzerland
- Enjoying the sights and cuisine of a foreign country – ILC Club of middle school students visits Geneva
- Middle school students of the ILC Club head to Switzerland
- Families participate in fun particle experiments
- Professor Satoru Yamashita calls for prompt preparations for the ILC
- “Creation of an international hub of science” is entered as a formal request at the National Governors’ Conference held in Morioka
- Four municipalities of Iwate/Miyagi reaffirm their partnership in hopes of the ILC – Meeting of Mayors in Kurihara, Miyagi
- The people of Rikuzentakata learn about the ILC thanks to Iwate ILC Office Director Sasaki
- A seminar on how to attract people to the area by honorary professors
- Local companies search for ways to get involved in accelerator industry – Technology seminar for solving issues
- Four middle school students inducted at a ceremony in Morioka as the second group of students for the ILC Club
- The world of elementary particles – up close. Mikajiri Elementary School students do experiments during an ILC seminar
- The Tohoku ILC Preparation Office researches technology for building an ILC with an initial length of 20 km
- Ichinoseki City is raising the next generation of researchers with their lectures for JHS students this year
- Morioka #1 HS Students present their research in English
- Students at Ashiro JHS in Hachimantai City fascinated by space and physics
- Tohoku International School now able to provide the IB curriculum for its pre-school and elementary school students
- The MEXT Panel of Experts discusses their report draft on methods of structure/management for the ILC
- The ICFA deliberates on shrinking ILC costs with a smaller initial length of 20 km
- Envisioning the use of Ofunato port for the ILC, Iwate Prefecture halts the sale of industrial land sites
- Proactively disseminating information during this “important year for the ILC” – Top leadership meeting for the Iwate ILC Promotion Council
- Chambers of Commerce of the Kesen region hold an ILC assembly open to the general public with 600 people in attendance
- The Iwate ILC Promotion Council to release information on economic effects of the ILC in August
- Setting up housing and education (for the ILC) is a “must” - Working group at MEXT’s Panel of Experts presents outline of their report
- Verifying management structures with CERN as an example - Working group at MEXT’s Panel of Experts
- Tohoku ILC Promotion Council requests ILC international coordination to the LDP – urging a government decision
- “Correctly Understanding the ILC is Important” at ILC Candidate Site (3rd Year Mizusawa HS Students Present on US Study Trip)
- German Researchers Visit Iwate, Advise Prefecture on ILC Preparations
- Waiting for the Go Sign to Build: German ILC Researchers Visit, Opinion Exchange
- Emphasizing the economic effects of the ILC - an interview with the Hon. Shunichi Suzuki
- The FDMILC strengthens its push towards US Congress – Discussions to bring about the ILC
- Oshu’s Future with the ILC: Guest Talks Start for Oshu Elem. Students
- The Tohoku ILC Promotion Council meets for their 2017 General Meeting to draft resolution for a quick decision by the national government on the ILC
- The FDMILC to visit US on April 30 – Exchanging opinions with Congress and the US government
- Looking into how to prepare the surrounding environment for the ILC – Working group within MEXT’s Panel of Experts
- Ichinoseki puts up a special exhibit for increasing enthusiasm for the ILC – first time within a place of commerce
- Funds to increase national awareness - KEK to collect donations to accelerate awareness
- Candidate site for a synchrotron facility at Tohoku University – Praise for close partnerships
- New selections for Iwate gifts for the Hometown Tax Scheme – ILC books and traditional crafts
- Director General Horie of the Southern Iwate Regional Development Bureau to become Vice-President of Iwate Prefectural University
- Ichinoseki youth petitioning support for the ILC
- Working group within MEXT’s Panel of Experts meets for the first time to begin verifying methods of structure and management
- The ILC Promotion Division of Oshu City to rise in rank
- Working towards proposing a bill for the realization for the ILC
- Elementary school students show off ILC flags in Ichinoseki
- The Yoshigasawa Neighborhood Association sets up a billboard on national road 397 for the ILC
- The ILC will bring harmony to the world – A seminar by Prof. Atsuto Suzuki
- Ichinoseki Linear Collider Bulletin “ILC News” Vol. 20
- Industry, academia, government, and private citizens: accelerating towards the ILC
- Iwate middle school students talk about the ILC at the Tokyo-Nikkei Forum Symposium on Regional Revitalization
- Cultivating Scientific Knowledge and International Awareness: Eleven 2nd Year Mizusawa HS Science and Math Course Students Visit USA
- Cost-Reducing Plan to be Decided in August?
- Exalting Benefits of ILC-Related Industries: Event in Nayoga
- Discussions on the framework with the US for the ILC – FDMILC Chair to visit the US in spring
- From National Sports Festival to the ILC (Aichi Rikuun Company Auto Parts Truck )
- For a Multicultural Oshu (Oshu City Council Members and International Residents Brainstorm Together)
- Ms. Takahashi of KEK teaches the citizens of Morioka about the significance and future possibilities of the ILC
- MEXT’s Panel of Experts decides to create a new working group - Deliberations to start on research and operations structure of the ILC
- Elementary school kids immersed in ILC card competition
- Ms. Kodashima & Mr. Ogura win top prize in ILC art contest for elementary school students
- In Hiraizumi, a round-table discussion about the Iwate government with the governor – “This year will be a moment of truth for the ILC”
- Ichinoseki high school students chat with the mayor
- Thinking about the accelerator industry: ILC Technology Seminar held in Ichinoseki
- Accelerating preparations to apply for “special zone” status – A report from the Tohoku ILC Preparation Office
- Vice-governor Chiba and other prefectural workers to visit CERN on 1/18 – Preparing our area to realize the ILC
- ILC Survey: “Interest in the ILC” rises to 63%
- To bring about the ILC – An important year including the LCWS
- “I want to learn about the origins of the universe” – Five middle school students talk about their dreams (and threw in some English as well!)
- Sharing an approach towards staging for the ILC - Talking with Prof. Hitoshi Yamamoto about results and future vision
- On the highly important ILC, Japan must take leadership – An interview with Dr. Joachim Mnich, Chair of the ICFA
- Talking with LCC Director Lyn Evans – Expectations for the ILC
- Technology Supporting Research Facilities: Exhibition of 53 Companies from Iwate, Others (LCWS Venue)
- Visit by LCWS participants to the ILC candidate site
- ILC symposium for local residents held during LCWS
- Discussing staging strategies for the ILC – LCC Discussion
- Introducing Local Flavor at LCWS 2016 (Heian Costumes with Oshu City)
- Iwate Middle/High School Students Meet Linear Collider Researchers at International Conference in Morioka
- Ichinoseki Linear Collider Bulletin “ILC News” Vol. 19
- Science x Hello Kitty goods on sale in Sendai as well as Iwate
- Learning about the Universe, the World: ILC Guest Talks in Iwate
- India and Japan to Strengthen Accelerator Research Relationship: KEK and Banaras Hindu University
- Investigating the universe and the future: Traveling ILC classes
- **Reservations Open** LCWS 2016: Tours of Iwate sake breweries and craft workshops
- Learning ILC Technology from Researchers: Study Session in Kitakami
- Emphasizing the Importance of Japan-Europe Cooperation for the ILC (Diet Member Shina, others Talk at IEEE NSS/MIC)
- Check out this new website on Tohoku and the ILC project created by Tohoku ILC Promotion Council and Tokeiren Business Center
- Conveying our excitement for the ILC: Two months left until LCWS 2016
- Coordinating joint U.S./Japan research on the ILC – National Diet members from Iwate to visit E.U. in October
- Film on ILC, National Sports Festival: Oshu City’s PR efforts aimed at visitors to the Mizusawa-Esashi Station Exchange Plaza
- Understanding the ILC from a Physics Perspective: Symposium in Oshu City
- Multilingual Menus for Restaurants: Business in Esashi, Oshu Develops App
- Showing Local Enthusiasm for the ILC (PR video series films around candidate site for first time)
- Requesting information be shared abroad: The Tohoku Conference for the Promotion of the ILC visits with LDP politicians and MEXT officials
- 110 million yen requested for ILC-related items in MEXT’s FY2017 budgetary allocations
- Deepening understanding of Iwate Prefecture’s strategy: ILC Special Committee at the Oshu City Council
- Tohoku ILC Preparation Office opens in Sendai - Creating an environment for moving quickly on projects
- Formal request for the reconstruction and the ILC: the Association of Town/Village Council Chairs meets with the Governor of Iwate
- Nurturing a sense of adventure about the ILC at Makibori Elementary in Morioka – Science and dreams with the Engineering Girls
- Physical office opened for the Tohoku ILC Preparation Office in Sendai – A basic plan for the greater region to be established in mid-2017
- Deepening understanding of advanced science: Symposium on technology in Oshu City
- ILC sign installed at Mizusawa-Esashi station, the nearest station to the candidate site
- Shaping the future with state-of-the-art science: Dr. Suzuki presents in Ichinoseki
- A seminar on ILC’s advanced manufacturing technology for industry, academia, and government officials (at Iwate Pref. University)
- A quick restoration to damaged ports – and striving to bring about the ILC
- Five Iwate junior high students return from a fulfilling study trip abroad
- Kitakami City ILC Seminar: Searching for Ways to Participate in Accelerator Industry
- Ichinoseki Linear Collider Bulletin “ILC News” Vol. 18
- Hope for the ILC: Ichinoseki and Hiraizumi Students to Field Trip in Ibaraki
- Feeling the Power of ILC and Science Up Close: Symposium and Talks in Morioka
- Riddles of the Universe and Hello Kitty: Collaborative Goods with the ILC
- As a Base for Activity: Iwate Prefecture Opens Iwate ILC Coordination Office in Morioka
- ILC summer camp at Ichinoseki hot spring resort
- Poster Full of Iwate Flavor (Poster for LCWS 2016 to be held in Morioka)
- 1,100 workers needed per year for construction
- Ripple effects on agriculture as well – Oshu City explains its vision to two agricultural cooperatives
- MEXT Panel of Experts: Confirming the report draft
- Experiments and learning about the ILC at junior high schools in Ichinoseki (Ichinoseki City's ILC News Web)
- July 7th issue of LC Newsline
- Hosting the ILC will “open up the country from a rural area” – Dr. Atsuto Suzuki
- Tohoku ILC Preparation Office Opened, to be Headed by Iwate Pref. University President Suzuki
- Ichinoseki Linear Collider Bulletin "ILC News" Vol. 17
- Special ILC Talks at Coastal Elementary and Middle Schools with Professor Saito of JGU
- ILC Guest Classes Start at Oshu City: 24 Elementary, Junior High Schools
- The Iwate ILC Coordination Office opens – Pushing cooperation among officials in industry, academia, and government
- Technology developed to cut costs for SRF cavity electropolisher
- The world will start moving once Japan indicates their position on the ILC - To Iwate: Call on the national government
- New experiments searching for unknown particles - Operations start up at CERN
- Arrangements being made to set up a Japan-U.S. group - Going to U.S.A. at the end of the month for a mutual dialogue
- Expectations that local companies can take part [in the ILC] - Sendai Symposium
- Basic Concept for Community Development [around the ILC] - Symposium in Sendai
- For Realizing the ILC, Confirmed Cooperation between Japan and Spain: Tokyo Lecture by Iwate Pref. President, Others
- Local Children’s Freely Painted Ideas (ILC Billboards at Isawa Junior High School Construction Site)
- Using the ILC to create an international city – The Establishment Committee for Oshu City’s Community Development Vision
- Requesting that the national government make a decision soon on its ILC policy – Tohoku Conference for the Promotion of the ILC meets with the Minister of MEXT
- More Opportunities for Researchers and Local People to Meet (Iwate Prefecture ILC Office Director)
- “Affirming Multilingual Signage’s Importance Together (Town Meeting Between Oshu City Mayor and International Residents)”
- Knowledge Hub for Regional Revitalization: Iwate Pref. University President’s ILC Lecture in Ofunato
- Attracting the ILC, Building Relations with European Members of Parliament: IPU Assembly at Zambia
- The ILC – a pillar of Ichinoseki’s town planning
- For ILC in Tohoku, ILC Subcommittee by ICFA
- ILC Meeting in the US - Quotes from three of the researchers
- "Our intentions were communicated to the US side" - Speaking with FDMILC secretary-general and Diet Member Ryu Shionoya
- Exploring Ways to Work Toward ILC Realization: ILC Diet Member Federation Visits USA, ILC Meeting with Researchers, Others
- Increased Cooperation Between Japan, US on Science and Technology, ILC Diet Member Federation Visits USA
- (Link) Hudson Institute and the Advanced Accelerator Association Co-Host Forum on U.S.-Japan Scientific Collaboration
- First Step in Calculating ILC Economic Benefits: Iwate ILC Promotion Council Committee Meeting
- New Organization to Research ILC Economic Effects: Iwate Pref. and Iwate ILC Promotion Council
- ILC Federation of Diet Members, Iwate Pref. President Visit US in February
- Local People's Passion for ILC: Discussion in Oshu With Sapporo US Consul
- Picturing the ILC in town: residents and experts share a vision for the future
- Iwate Pref. University President Suzuki: Breakthrough Prize Commemorative Lecture in Morioka
- Project Realization "Good Changes for Japan" (US Consul in Mizusawa for ILC Candidate Site Visit)
- English lessons an opportunity to learn about the ILC
- Logos for the ILC (LC Newsline)
- Prime Minister Meets with Nobel Laureates on Science and Technology Basic Plan
- Canada and Japan strengthen partnership - KEK & TRIUMF (TRIUMF HP)
- Subsidies for Accelerator-Related Machinery and Parts Development
- New MEXT ILC Panel of Experts Human Resources Working Group Starts Deliberations
- Breakthrough Prizes Give Top Scientists the Rock Star Treatment (The New York Times)
- Linear Collider Collaboration published Progress Report for the ILC (LC Newsline)
- Next Generation Listens Intently: 3 Lecturers Explain ILC's Significance (Mizusawa Symposium)”
- Japan-US Cooperation on High-Energy Physics Including ILC (KEK, DOE Agreement)
- Diverse Chances and Hope for Contributions (Iwate Pref. University President Suzuki Lecture at Mizusawa HS)
- International Cooperation for the ILC: Federation of Diet Members to Visit USA
- Chida Precision Products: New Division With ILC in Mind
- 10 ALTs Registered as Supporters: Ichinoseki Working Towards ILC Realization
- ILC Budget Approx. 1 Trillion Yen: MEXT 2016 Fiscal Year Proposed Budget Estimate
- Japan’s expert panel for the ILC has published its summary report (LC Newsline)
- Towards Hosting the ILC: Mayors of Five Towns and Cities Discuss Future Vision at Mizusawa, Oshu Symposium
- An ILC City: 30 City Residents Exchange Opinions (Mizusawa)
- Various Thoughts on MEXT ILC Panel of Experts Suggestions
- "The final corner before the speedy realization of the ILC" - ILC seminar
- The 4th ILC Technology Seminar
- ILC Seminar in Kesennuma
- ILC Seminar by the Morioka Regional Development Bureau
- Ichinoseki City ILC Technology Seminar
- ILC Seminar
- The 3rd ILC Technology Seminar
- ILC Symposium in Iwate for the public
- ILC Caravan in Ichinoseki
- Third Ichinoseki Science Cafe for 2016
- ILC Technology Seminar
- 2016 Open campus at the Iwate Prefecture Industrial Research Institute
- ILC Technology Seminar
- Advanced Accelerator Association Symposium in Tohoku 2016
- Second Ichinoseki Science Cafe for 2016
- The Iwate University Continuing Seminars on Accelerator Science (#9)
- Iwate Science Symposium
- First Ichinoseki Science Cafe for 2016
- ILC Symposium "The Realization of the ILC and development of the surrounding region"
- ILC and the Creative Reconstruction (Memorial Symposium)
- LCWS2016 in Morioka
- Report by JAXA Astronaut Kimiya Yui
- Seminar for integrating the ILC for manufacturing businesses
- A lecture with Dr. Atsuto Suzuki, winner of the 2016 Breakthrough Prize
- 8th Seminar on Accelerator Science by Iwate University
- Seminar on the ILC for the general public in Morioka City
- Seminar on Accelerator-related Industry in Iwate
- Category: Ask Auntie AAA
- Category: Hachimantai City
- Category: Hanamaki City
- Category: Hiraizumi Town
- Category: Ichinoseki City
- Category: Ichinoseki City & Oshu City
- Category: ILC Support Committee
- Category: ILC Supporters
- Category: Iwate ILC Promotion Council
- Category: Iwate Prefecture
- Category: Kesennuma City
- Category: Morioka City
- Category: Ofunato City
- Category: Oshu City
- Category: Post Categories
- Category: Culture
- Category: Events
- Category: Food
- Category: History of the Region
- Category: Miscellaneous
- Category: Sightseeing
- Category: Specialty Products
- Category: The ILC Project
- Category: Rikuzentakata City
- Category: Sendai City
- Category: Sumita Town
- Category: The ILC Relay