Seishu. Nihonshu. Junmaishu. Ginjoshu.
Japanese sake has a number of different names and classifications, all of which can be quite confusing for a newcomer to the drink. That’s not including all of the various brewery names and product names, with labels that only rarely include English translations. There’s quite a high hurdle to entry for someone who’d like to learn more about this classic Japanese alcoholic beverage.
How about delving into just one particular region of Japan, and starting from there? Like, say, Iwate Sake?

Rice fields of Iwatez
Iwate has long been known for its beautiful nature and abundant resources, with a vast stretch of long fields, mountains, and a gorgeous coastline bordering the Pacific Ocean. That environment blesses Iwate with fresh air, clear water, and most importantly, a rich crop of rice, flourishing in Iwate’s climate thanks to the large temperature gap between summer and winter. That fresh water and rice are mixed with yeast and koji by skilled artisanal brewers, most of who are from the famed Nanbu Toji Brewer’s Guild. This is one of the long-storied guilds within Japan, and boasts the most members, passing down sake-making techniques from 300 years ago to make the best sake possible.
Making sake at the Tsukinowa Brewery
There are 21 breweries in Iwate, each with its own special products and defining characteristics. Many can be found inland near the banks of the Kitakami River, and more still are dotted down Sanriku coast of Iwate. There’s a diverse mix of brewers as well, from young to very experienced, men and women. Many of these breweries export abroad as well.
In September 2023, this Iwate Sake was granted the Geographical Indication status, which means that only sake proven to be made in Iwate can be called “Iwate sake.” (similar to how champagne can’t be called champagne unless it was made in the Champagne region of France) What’s more, there’s even a separate classification for All-Iwate sake, which is sake made with entirely Iwate ingredients: Iwate-sourced fresh water, Iwate-raised rice (including Iwate cultivars like Ginginga), and the yeast developed by the Iwate Technical Institute.
Kuji Kosuke, head of Nanbu Bijin brewery, presenting on Iwate sake, along with Iwate Governor Tasso Takuya and H.E. Takahashi Katsuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to Malaysia
In December 2023, the Governor of Iwate, Tasso Takuya, Nanbu Bijin brewery’s chief Kuji Kosuke, and other officials from Iwate went to Malaysia and Singapore to promote Iwate products, not the last of which was Iwate Sake and its GI status. Kuji-san in particular gave rousing speeches at PR receptions and even gave a seminar on Iwate sake in Kuala Lumpur to over thirty local restaurant owners and influencers.
GI Iwate Sake on display
Want to try Iwate sake for yourself, and will be in New York City in November 2024?
Iwate is also joining forces with the Iwate Japan Sake Makers Association to put out a sake-tasting booth at the 2024 Japanese Food Expo in New York to be held on November 8-10, 2024 at Japan Village in Brooklyn. We hope this serves as an impetus to greater understanding and awareness of Iwate’s sake abroad, and would love to meet with any sake-lovers interested in learning more about our prefecture.
If you’re in Iwate, you can easily purchase Iwate Sake from the liquor shop in Morioka Station, as well as any shop selling liquor. Tours are also available from some breweries, which you can browse here. (Sakagura search: Sakagura Search | Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association)
写真1 岩手の田んぼ
写真2 月の輪酒造店での酒造り
写真3 「南部美人」の久慈浩介代表取締役社長がマレーシアでGI岩手のプレゼンテーションを実施。隣に達増拓也岩手県知事及び髙橋克彦駐マレーシア特命全権大使。
写真4 GI岩手の出展
2024年11月8~10日にニューヨークで開催される「2024 Japanese Food Expo in ニューヨーク」(会場:ブルックリンのジャパンビレッジ)において、岩手県酒造組合と連携し、試飲ブースを出展する予定です。これをきっかけに、海外における岩手の日本酒に対する理解と認知度が高まることを願っています。