Happy New Year! Wishing everyone the best in 2016, and looking forward to more significant developments in terms of realizing the ILC. Be sure to tune in again this year to news from Japan, and its ILC candidate site in the Kitakami Mountains.

A small toy of local mascot “Omocchi” looks on with interest at the latest edition of ILC News, especially the bit about his new brother “ILC Sobacchi.”
In addition to contributing to the “Kitakami Times” and making use of Facebook and Twitter and so on, the ILC Promotion Division in Ichinoseki also issues a newsletter four times a year, known as the Ichinoseki Linear Collider Bulletin or “ILC News.” Each issue focuses on ILC-related events and developments that took place over the last couple of months in Ichinoseki, other cities in Iwate Prefecture, and wider Japan.
The first edition was released in July 2012 and the 15th or most recent edition was issued in December last year. Each edition is posted to all households in the city (46,176 as of January 1, 2016), and also made available in various locations such as the lobby of the city office, and in Ichinoseki station near the platforms for the bullet trains which zip to Sendai, Morioka, Tokyo and so on.

A photo taken earlier last year of the “ILC News” line-up.
The inaugural edition and the last three editions have been translated into English and can be seen at Ichinoseki’s ILC website. The last three editions include a section called Ichinoseki Lives Cosmopolitan (a play on the ILC abbreviation) which introduces foreign residents in the city.
The latest edition features news of elementary and junior high school students visiting the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK); managers of local companies and members of the Ichinoseki Chamber of Commerce and Industry visiting ports in Ofunato and Kesennuma; the second “Science Cafe” for this fiscal year being held at the city library; and other news.
The next edition due out in March will feature news of the third and fourth “Science Cafes”; a gathering in Daito (a town in Ichinoseki’s northeast and near the ILC) where everyone ate locally-made soba noodles, and in “Ichinoseki Lives Cosmopolitan,” husband and wife Nigel and Jenny will tell us their favorite spot in Ichinoseki and comment on making the ILC a reality.
一関市のILCニュース[6号] ネイト ヒル(一関市)2016年は皆さんにとって良い年でありますように。ILC実現については更なる発展を期待しています。今年も日本のILC建設候補地である北上山地からのニュースをお見逃しなく!
創刊号と13号からは英訳があり、一関市ILC推進ホームページでご覧いただけます。13号からは市内在住の外国人を紹介する「Ichinoseki Lives Cosmopolitan」というコーナーも始めました。
3月に発行する16号は、第3回と第4回のサイエンスカフェや、ILC建設候補地付近の大東町で講演後、自家製のそばを食べる集いのほか、「Ichinoseki Lives Cosmopolitan」では市内在住のナイジェルさんとジェニーさん夫婦による市内のお気に入りの場所やILCの実現に向けた一言などを掲載します。