Iwate Prefectural Hanamaki Agricultural High School should be a familiar name to those who came to the LCWS 2016 in Morioka – these are the students who created the ILC Apples that were such a big hit with attendees! This year, Hanamaki Agricultural HS has been designated an ILC Promotion Model School by the Iwate Prefectural Government to foster students who will be able to get involved with the ILC through a number of different fields. As part of that project, ILC Office Executive Director Jun Sasaki spoke to all 350 students about the ILC on September 12th. The biggest takeaway? The ILC would be a huge project that would affect their lives – if successfully realized, the ILC would be up and running by the time these students are in the prime of their careers!
Afterwards, I sat with two students and asked them about their interest in the ILC and how they’d like to be involved in the future.

Ayu Sato (left) and Shota Kato (right). The board reads: “Please come to Iwate”
Ms. Ayu Sato
3rd year student in the Food and Agricultural Science course
Hanamaki Agricultural High School
Originally from the Ohasama area of Hanamaki City
Hobbies: Listening to music (particular J-POP)
Mr. Shota Kato
2nd year student in the Biological Science course
Hanamaki Agricultural High School
Originally from the Waga area of Kitakami City
Hobbies: Drawing
What were your impressions of today’s lecture about the ILC?
Ayu) I had thought that the ILC was this really difficult science-y kind of thing (that I wouldn’t have anything to do with), but I saw that the particle accelerator will be doing experiments right in our backyards! I learned that bringing the ILC to the region would lead to the development of industry, and I think Iwate would prosper even further.
Shota) I first learned about the ILC when my classmates in the fruit-growing course did the ILC Apple project last year. I had never heard of it before then. At first, I thought it would just be scientists coming and doing research, but I learned that Iwate will grow through that research. I’m not sure what I will be doing in the future, but I want to help out with the ILC if it will develop Iwate.
How do you two want to be involved with the ILC in the future?
Ayu) I’m hoping to become a registered dietician, but unfortunately my university is outside of Iwate. I hope to use what I learn at university when I become a dietician, and when I return to Iwate, I’d like to think about how to use any new food products that might be developed in relation to the ILC. I’d also like to get the foreign researchers to try some of my hometown’s delicious food: ganzuki* and hittsumi**.
A dense and chewy steamed cake traditionally made in Iwate, Miyagi, and other parts of Tohoku. Eaten as a snack while out farming in the fields.
A flour mixture is flattened and torn into bite-size pieces by hand, and simmered in a vegetable stew. One of Iwate’s traditional dishes.

Hittsumi stew
Shota) My work will not have much to do with the ILC, but I actually am in a Shishi Odori group for my extracurricular activities. Shishi Odori is the name of a traditional folk performance in Iwate, and by getting the researchers to see it, I hope they will learn more about Iwate. I was invited to join by an upperclassman who was also part of the group. He was wearing the costume, and just looked so cool.
Hanamaki City’s Shishi Odori dance
(Watch a performance of the Shishi Odori dance in this episode of Oshu For You)
What are your hopes and dreams for an international Iwate through the ILC?
Shota) I’m a little nervous to have so many different people come to Iwate, but lots of people means lots of energy. That would lead to the growth of Iwate, so I’m looking forward to that.
Ayu) There will be lots of foreign people coming not just to do research but to tour all of Iwate. However, people from different countries will have different tastes, different religions, and many other aspects that will differ from Japanese culture. In order to best handle their needs, we have to try to understand as much as possible their countries’ cultures.
Do you have any messages for the researchers?
Ayu) Iwate is blessed with abundant nature and has a big harvest of fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish. The seafood from the Sanriku Coast is just so delicious, so I really want the researchers to try it. There’s also a lot of traditional folk arts performances that were developed in the region. Iwate is a place where you can really be at one with nature. After you spend a hard day doing research, I know you’ll be able to relax in Iwate, enjoying our nature and food.
Shota) I think that the researchers will be hard at work most of the time, but Iwate has so many fun things like festivals to enjoy. I hope you’ll take part in our festivals – you’ll feel refreshed and energized!
ILCリレー ④岩手県立花巻農業高等学校の生徒がILCへの感想を語る
※1:岩手県や宮城県を中心とした東北地方で、農作業の合間のおやつとして食べられていたという郷土料理。 しっとり、もちもちっとした食感。
(鹿踊りを「OSHU FOR YOUエピソード12(えさし藤原の郷)」でご覧いただけます→https://youtu.be/qletLPywgqc?t=3m )