About Koetsu Norita

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Koetsu works at the Business Center of the Tohoku Economic Federation (Tokeiren), helping local businesses develop their marketing strategies. As the Tokeiren works closely with the Tohoku ILC Promotion Council, Koetsu has also had a lot of opportunities to get involved with the project over the last year.

October 2019

  • 10.03.19 THE KITAKAMI TIMES LCWS 2019 – Enjoy your downtime in Sendai!
  • July 2019

  • 07.11.19 THE KITAKAMI TIMES The Michinoku Coastal Trail opens to the public!
  • April 2019

  • 04.18.19 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Preparing for the ILC – Food and Tourism
  • October 2018

  • 10.25.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES ILC Summer Festival at Science Day 2018
  • July 2018

  • 07.19.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Well-respected Japanese economic and cultural figures come together to form the 100-person Committee for the ILC
  • May 2018

  • 05.10.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES World famous director Mamoru Oshii founds the ILC Supporters!