About Koetsu Norita

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Koetsu works at the Business Center of the Tohoku Economic Federation (Tokeiren), helping local businesses develop their marketing strategies. As the Tokeiren works closely with the Tohoku ILC Promotion Council, Koetsu has also had a lot of opportunities to get involved with the project over the last year.

June 2024

  • 06.24.24 THE KITAKAMI TIMES 【Kitakami Times Extra】Hirosaki Castle: The Only “Tenshu”Castle Tower Still Standing in the Tohoku Region.
  • January 2024

  • 01.15.24 THE KITAKAMI TIMES The center of Japan is actually in…Tohoku?
  • December 2022

  • 12.08.22 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Renewable Energy and Science & Technology Projects
  • July 2022

  • 07.28.22 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Visiting the Disaster Memorial Facilities
  • March 2022

  • 03.31.22 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Summer and Winter – The Season for Scallops
  • October 2021

  • 10.05.21 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Creating the Tohoku House, ten years after the disaster
  • May 2021

  • 05.26.21 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Learn about the apples of Japan easily online
  • January 2021

  • 01.14.21 THE KITAKAMI TIMES A new trend for Japan? Population movement from Tokyo to other regions
  • July 2020

  • 07.30.20 THE KITAKAMI TIMES When You Wish Upon A Star~
  • February 2020

  • 02.20.20 THE KITAKAMI TIMES The Sendai Excursions of LCWS 2019