Category Archives: ILC Supporters

June 2024

  • 06.24.24 THE KITAKAMI TIMES 【Kitakami Times Extra】Hirosaki Castle: The Only “Tenshu”Castle Tower Still Standing in the Tohoku Region.
  • January 2024

  • 01.15.24 THE KITAKAMI TIMES The center of Japan is actually in…Tohoku?
  • December 2022

  • 12.08.22 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Renewable Energy and Science & Technology Projects
  • July 2022

  • 07.28.22 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Visiting the Disaster Memorial Facilities
  • March 2022

  • 03.31.22 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Summer and Winter – The Season for Scallops
  • October 2021

  • 10.05.21 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Creating the Tohoku House, ten years after the disaster
  • May 2021

  • 05.26.21 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Learn about the apples of Japan easily online
  • January 2021

  • 01.14.21 THE KITAKAMI TIMES A new trend for Japan? Population movement from Tokyo to other regions
  • September 2018

  • 09.06.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Content creator U Kimura brings a “kawaii” perspective as an ILC Supporter
  • July 2018

  • 07.19.18 THE KITAKAMI TIMES Well-respected Japanese economic and cultural figures come together to form the 100-person Committee for the ILC